A Glimpse into the Life of a Passionate Watch Collector and Enthusiast

Published: 27 Feb 2025
A candid and sincere note from a devoted watch collector navigating the juggling act of work, life, and his cherished horological passion

Life, as the famous saying goes, is a deluge when it rains. This encompasses the experience of a devoted watch collector in the final quarter of 2019, marking his life’s transition from a gentle shower to a torrential downpour. His cherished blog, ‘Watch Hunter’, fell silent, leaving his readers in contemplation. The wave of troughs and crests of life was due to the soaring demands of his professional and freelance roles, leaving him hardly any spare time or energy to daydream on his beloved blog.

Notwithstanding the challenges, he appreciates all the tokens of support, messages, rejuvenating well wishes, and intriguing questions that he receives from his readers. His journey might be riddled with obstacles, but the procrastinated replies, marked emails, and undelivered gratitude will soon meet the light of day.

He acknowledges the wonderful people and the amazing friendships born out of his hobby. It’s the shared tales, the connections and the readers, making this endeavor worthwhile amidst the race against time.